Spread Love & Light

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It happens all the time. Someone or something we come across for only a moment leaves us feeling bad. We can't shake it off.

An unfriendly interaction with a stranger. A phone call from someone you know. Even an event from far away that you heard about on the news or in your neighborhood, that may be heartbreaking, can have an impact on your day.

When someone gets you down, instead of holding onto that negativity, Spread Love & Light instead.

Let go of that negativity
Push it back with love
Send out Love & Light

How do you do that?

Imagine a golden light emanating over the person or event and say:

“I send you love and light from afar. I shower you with a golden light of love to
find peace.”

It only takes a moment. Yet in that moment you've changed your mindset from one of anger, fear or hate to one of LOVE. By pushing back with love, you are now in control.

It's these Mindful Shifts that make a difference in our mental health.

Why don't you give it a try and see how it changes YOUR mindset?


Make Today Beautiful


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