5 Minute Stress Relief


During this time of self-isolation, many of us are experiencing moments of stress.

I know I have. It just sort of creeps up on me when I least expect it - while making dinner, reading emails, or just trying to get to sleep.

Panic, uncertainty, anxiety, finances. Anything can be a trigger.

When this hits me I stop what I’m doing and try to take a few moments to acknowledge the stress and regain my sense of peace.

With the right technique, a few minutes is all it takes to release the stress.

Here’s one from Everyday Being Circle Partner—Marnie Vincolisi, on how to stimulate your Vagus nerve to slow down your heart rate, and even boost your immune system!

Marnie Vincolisi

Vagus Nerve Stimulation to De-stress

Even though we have more time at home during our COVID-19 lock down, it seems like we have less time to do things. Do your days fly by, and you become stressed as you look back and ask yourself, “What did I accomplish today?” I’ll show you why stimulation of your Vagus nerve will release stress and boost your immune system.

Stress Relief

Is stress something that enters your thoughts periodically and clouds your ability to be productive? Well, here’s a quick way to relieve that stress. My gift to the world is to show you how to accomplish your goals without adding more stress to you day. Follow the instructions to relax in a few seconds or a minute or two.

How to Clear Stress in Seconds

When you stimulate your Vagus nerve you will slow down your heart rate, which relieves stress thus strengthening your immune system for better mental health.

Watch the video, Vagus nerve de-stressor, then try the steps below to de-stress using the Vagus nerve reset.

  1. Lie on your back and breathe a bit slower.

  2. Interlock your hands and place them behind your head at the base of your brain, at the top of your spine.

  3. Keep your head still as you look to the right.

  4. Imagine a clock and you are looking at 3:00

  5. Hold this position until you feel a shift. A yawn. A swallow. A sigh.

  6. It can take a few seconds or a few minutes.That’s it.You boosted your immune system and cleared stress.

Marnie is holding free online healing sessions. You can join her from the comfort of your home and there’s no preregistration required!

Hands on Healing free session

The online hands on healing session last week was a great success. The energy was very strong and felt by all participants.

You will have an opportunity to receive and give hands on healing. All are welcome, even if you have never tried it before. I will show you how to do it! Click this link to join me for the next session.

In the Light


Marnie has written numerous books on the subject of Reiki and energy healing. If you want to learn more, you can purchase them on her online store.


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