Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos
Do you feel stress, worry, fear, anxiety, depression when there is chaos all around you?
Are there events happening in your life that are out of your control, and as there’s no immediate escape, it’s taking all you have within you to keep it together?
Trust me, I’ve had many of these moments. Days where your feel all of your emotions to an extreme ALL IN ONE DAY! You laugh, you cry, you stress, you talk to yourself, the mind is racing.
These emotions are common, especially when the events are completely out of your control and you’re somehow sucked into a whirlwind of chaos.
During these times, I lean towards my toolkit of resources to help me get through it.
For the coming weeks, months or perhaps longer, recent events in our society have thrown us into a chaos that we have no control over. And while it seems somewhat bearable now, it may get worse for many of us. Social distancing, financial setbacks, our children’s education, our health, our family’s health. It’s all at an imbalance right now and it’s affecting our mental health.
You’ve always had the power!
Globally we have gone from living to surviving in an instant, and it feels as if there is no safe ground to walk on right now. But as Glinda the Good Witch tells Dorothy “You’ve always had the power, you just had to learn it for yourself”.
You can get through this.
You are strong enough
Go within to find your strength.
I’ve put together some resources for you that I use to support me in going within and finding that strength. All have free offerings which I indulge in frequently. All have instagram, facebook and other social media accounts you can follow.
I do not receive any fees for recommending these sites. These are my own personal go-to resources.
Sign up for daily messages from the Universe
Mike Dooley, founder, offers free web webinars
Thích Nhất Hạnh - Buddhist Monk
Offering free webinars, masterclasses, meditations
Hay House - Transformation & Wellness Publishing House
Healing and transformation books and audio.
Sign up for daily Angel card messages
His instagram and facebook are an active community
Mooji - Spiritual Thought Leader
Love his meditations, as they focus on finding awareness within
Link is to his YouTube videos
Love his meditations and thoughts on everyday subjects, relationships, fear, worry, life, etc.
Jason Stephenson - Sleep Meditations
His sleep meditations are really helpful
Subscribe to his newsletter
There’s so many more that I rely on so if these don’t resonate with you, email me for what you need help with and I will pull something out of my resources.
Go within and find your calm. YOU CAN DO THIS!